Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"Stir the Pot!"

Diversity.  What are the first words that pop into your head when you hear that word?  Race?  Religion?  Gender?  Socioeconomic status?  Besides the definition, diversity is an important and prominent topic on Furman's campus today.  We have countless CLP's, speakers, forums, and trainings on the topic, but why? Has the message still not sunk in?  For those of you that are fans of "The Office" check out this clip to see how Michael, Dwight, and Pam interpret the meaning of diversity on "Diversity Day."  

Stereotypes.  That's a word we haven't touched on yet.  This video is a perfect example of how stereotypes are not only inaccurate generalizations but how they can also be hurtful to others.  Furman prides itself on its sense of community and welcoming and hospitable nature.  To uphold these beliefs we need to learn from Dwight's mistakes and not stereotype a particular group before we've taken the time to get to know them.  Here are a few tips and suggestions that I hope you will embrace and spread around campus.  With your help we can help break the aversion to diversity on campus. 

3 Tips to Try! 

1. Mix-it-up!  Sure Mix-it-up day in the DH can be a little awkward, but it is so rewarding when you take a chance and step out of your comfort zone.  Even take one or two friends with you so you aren't the only one mixing it up! 

2.  Join a new organization!  One of the best ways to meet new people is to join a new group or organization on campus.  When you're working towards a common goal any diversity issues are hidden by the group effort.  

3. Visit your neighbors!  Granted, this is much easier when you live on a residence hall, but don't neglect your neighbors just because you live in North Village now!  You can learn so much from talking to other people, plus an added bonus, you'll make four new friends too! 


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